Life Satisfaction

My life didn’t turn out the way I hoped it would, that’s no secret. It didn’t even turn out the way I thought it would and honestly, I have had a tendency to be quite pessimistic in my younger years, so I didn’t think very highly of myself nor my prospects in life. Luckily, that whole pessimism thing was something …


What is a storyteller really? A storyteller tells you a story, yes, but it’s more than that. They weave words together in an attempt to share something with you; a feeling, a dream, an idea or whatever else that particular storyteller has in his or her heart. Some share it with spoken words and others share it with written words. …

Talking About My Autism

It’s not easy to figure out where we are going, at least not always. Sometimes it feels like we are in the back without any effect on our path. Before I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, I tried never to really talk about myself. I had this perfectly crafted version of myself – complete with both specifically chosen flaws …