The other day I was out getting some food and by chance, because even when you happen to be in a big city it tends to be a lot smaller than you hope, I came across an old acquaintance from my early university days. I pretended not to see him, not because I didn’t like him back then or now, …

We Don’t Have to Stop Running – We Can Just Change Direction
One of the things I’ve done most in my life is running – not physically, no, that would have been great. No, what I do is run from things that frighten me, both good and bad. I have always completely ignored the fight mechanism in fight or flight, and just gone straight to the flight part. I’ve become quite good …

Are You Aware of Eating?
People of all shapes and sizes eat, but it’s not always because we are hungry, but because it makes us feel good. Right? You know what I’m talking about it. I have done this a lot. I have had a lot of challenges when it comes to eating and food, some you have already heard about if you read my …