
For a while now I’ve been really tired. I don’t know how else to explain it. I am just so very tired. I feel like my throat is dried and my voice is hoarse, I feel like my body is heavier than it should be and my fingers move more slowly than ever before while writing these words. I am …

Talking About My Autism

It’s not easy to figure out where we are going, at least not always. Sometimes it feels like we are in the back without any effect on our path. Before I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, I tried never to really talk about myself. I had this perfectly crafted version of myself – complete with both specifically chosen flaws …

Routines and Why I Need It

As I’ve talked about before it’s all the little things that really affect me. It’s the things that most of you out there probably barely notice. But, I notice. In fact, I can’t avoid it. I’ve meet others on the spectrum like me and they all react to different things. We all have our own unique past, a set of …