
Sometimes, you’ll see someone on the autism spectrum break down. You can see a strong reaction; some may even strike at whoever is hurting them. It’s not something they do because they are evil or mean or bad people – they might even really like whoever they hit or pushed. We all react in whatever way we can to survive. …

Saying No

I don’t know if I mentioned this, but lately I’ve been going to a centre that specialises in helping people with different kinds of disabilities. I’ve been seeing a neuropsychologist at the centre and luckily he knows a lot about Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s not always been useful going there since they tend to tell me a lot of things …

Consequences of Bad Choices

I feel so frustrated. I hate that I have this feeling inside, the feeling that “I wasn’t supposed to be here. Life wasn’t supposed to be like this.” I’m 33 years old now. When I was 18, I thought people who were in their thirties were absolutely ancient, but now that I’m in my thirties I don’t see it quite …