A sure way to feel lonely or isolated is when we are alone with our interests. Those of us on the spectrum tend to hyper focus on things and get very excited about something (anything from trains, Star Wars or frogs) for either short periods of time to a life time. I am always most fascinated by those who dedicate …
So, It’s Stress – What’s Next?
The year of 2023 is coming to an end soon and in a way, I am a little afraid of that. Every time the year comes to an end, I have such high hopes for finding more time in the coming year to do things I love – to do the things that make life worth living – but I …
Being an Adult
Life was just a lot easier before I had to grow up. I am not saying being an adult doesn’t have its benefits, such as having complete responsibility over our own life and the choices we make. It’s just, being a child also had a lot of benefits and not just of the “I see a jar of cookies and …