Forging a New Path

Life is a journey, they say. I understand why people say it, but it doesn’t make me any less irritated by those words. What makes it even worse is that I myself say it occasionally. These days I feel completely lost. I don’t have any real skills, I haven’t accomplished anything of importance (or even accomplished something of no importance …


Yet another failure to add to the list – a now almost endless list of all the failures of my life. I think, I have no chance of ever remembering them all now. What failure, you ask? If you’ve read my blog for a while, you probably remember that I had surgery in my shoulder about 2 years ago and …

Making New Routines

Some people get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Some people use the word “routine” as if it means something distinctly negative. In some situations, I agree that routines can be a bad thing, but, in most cases, routine is what makes life possible for me. Therefore, to me, routine is a wonderful thing. A lot of …