How Do We Heal After a Burnout?

Have you ever explained important things about yourself and said something like “…because I am autistic” or “…I have Asperger’s so ….” Maybe you gave up explaining and just said some variation of:  “People like me on the spectrum can’t do that.”? I know I do. I have done that often in the past. You know why I do it? …

coins on the ground

To Want

For a while now I’ve been thinking about what it means to “want”. I’ve wanted many things in life, but not all in the same way nor to the same extend. Actually, looking back on my life so far, there are a lot of things I wanted at some point in my life that I am quite relieved I never …

Honour Your Boundaries

What I want to say in this post can actually be said in very few words; It’s not enough to know you have pushed yourself too far beyond your limits, you need to back it up with action. Recently, I decided to apply for sick leave. I’m still suffering from some long-term effects of corona – long covid as some …