You might wonder why I’m writing a post about verbalising my thoughts, but it is really a bigger problem than many might think. I didn’t realise I had this particular problem until I heard someone else on the spectrum mention it, and suddenly everything just made more sense. I knew that I sometimes spoke “too fast” for others to understand …

Consensual Hugs
Physical touch can send shivers down your neck or create butterflies in your stomach. We all know this, and yet, we tend to take for granted that others feel physical touches in the same way as we do. At least in my opinion, people rarely understand when I say I don’t like to be touched, because as they say; a …
A Difference of Opinion
To be different often comes with a fair amount of uncertainty. Perhaps this is what makes it so frightening. Most people aren’t anything like me, they don’t think like me or experience the world like me. I often misunderstand the actions of others, and I never know what is expected from me. Uncertainty is a constant in my life, and …