When I was a teenager I hardly ever got acne. I never really thought about it either, even though the other girls in school all worried about it all the time. As I grew into young adulthood it suddenly changed. It gave no warning and happened almost overnight. It felt like that. One day I was fine and the next …

Why Netflix and Chill Should Just Mean Netflix and Chill
There something I am not sure I will ever learn to fully understand and that is how neurotypical people can say one thing, but in reality, they mean something completely different. I understand that ‘Netflix and chill’ doesn’t actually mean you are invited to watch Netflix and chill, but I only know that because I’ve been told that it doesn’t. …
A Sense of Time
When most of us think of time, we generally think of time as something that is unchanging and measurable – like the hands on a clock slowly ticking as time pass. Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock. Time, however, we also know can also feel so very unmeasurable at the same time. When we talk with a loved one hours can feel …