Somewhere in Between

My last post was about how I always exist in a grey area between “OK” and “Very Bad”. I don’t feel my body in the same way others do, nor do I really understand my own feelings when I feel them. I need time to analyse myself before I can fully understand both my physical condition and my emotions and …

In Between

I’ve talked about this many times before, and yes, I did promise to write a post about it at some point and now I am. This is about something I have to tell people all the time, but most of the time people don’t really seem to understand it. It’s probably because it is so very foreign to them that …

3 Reasons I Bring Someone With Me to Meetings

Since I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or more specifically Asperger’s, I have had to attend meetings with different caseworkers, psychiatrists, therapists, doctors, people from the unemployment office, people from different unions and such. In general, there’s been a lot of the same kind of meetings, but with different people, because god forbid any of those people could actually …