I’ve been unemployed for a really long time now. Ever since I graduated with a master’s degree it’s been impossible for me to even get jobs that don’t require you hold a specific degree or any kind of training. I don’t think it’s only because I have autism spectrum disorder, but it definitely doesn’t help the matter. I’ve been going …

Why I Can’t Do What I Used to Do
As you may know, my life is very different from what it used to be. Sometimes, it feels like I’m remembering someone else’s life and not may own, but at other times, it’s more like my present is not reality and my past is who I really am. Of course, I know it’s all my life and that I simply …
How Not To Be Seen
My whole life I struggled to hide in plain sight, but since my diagnosis I have struggled to be seen. It’s odd to experience how trying to hide can make you stand out and how trying to be seen can make you ignored. At least, that is how it has felt to me. About two weeks ago I started something …