Did you ever not do something because you felt it was too late? Maybe that you felt too old? I have. I hate it when people tell me that we are never too old or some other [insert your choice of curse word here]. I don’t dislike it because I think it’s entirely wrong, I dislike it because it’s just …

How Many Times Is It Okay to Watch a Film?
Autumn is making way for winter. It’s getting cold and the air has the smell of snow in it. I love this time of year. I love hats, coats and gloves and scarfs and feeling the cold on my face. I also love being inside with a hot cup of tea and a great film, cuddling up under a blanket. …

The Space Left Behind
We always say that we’ve all experienced loss, even when we haven’t. We say our condolences and express how sorry we are when someone we know has lost a loved one. But what is grief really? I have lost people before, both friends and family. Most were when I was a lot younger though and I remember how confused I …