We all feel like this sometimes, don’t we? Useless. Like whatever we try to do only makes things worse. All we do is mess things up. I feel like that a lot.

Planning Ahead and How It Messed Me up
Planning ahead can really save you sometimes. I always used to rely on planning ahead. I still do. Every moment of my life is playing out either according to my plan or against it. I plan conversations, I plan interactions with other, I even prepare for interactions with strangers on the street. My facial expression is carefully constructed, as is …
On Verbalising My Thoughts
You might wonder why I’m writing a post about verbalising my thoughts, but it is really a bigger problem than many might think. I didn’t realise I had this particular problem until I heard someone else on the spectrum mention it, and suddenly everything just made more sense. I knew that I sometimes spoke “too fast” for others to understand …