Yes, today is my birthday. I’m now 32. It’s funny, but when I was little, I thought being over 30 was practically being ancient. Now, I still feel like a child, perhaps more so than I did when I actually was a child. My imagination was as just as it is now, always active. I thought I would have everything …
Are You Aware of Eating?
People of all shapes and sizes eat, but it’s not always because we are hungry, but because it makes us feel good. Right? You know what I’m talking about it. I have done this a lot. I have had a lot of challenges when it comes to eating and food, some you have already heard about if you read my …
Can Not Doing What Makes You Happiest Become a Habit?
….and what do we do about that? Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes me happy. Things like a proper home of my own, a desk that doesn’t make my shoulder hurt when I sit down to write, nature right outside my door and other things like that. There are so many reasons to grow and improve myself, …