Right, welcome back! I have made a new design so my blog now has a completely new look. Okay, okay, so, not a lot changed, but still. I really like the new design. I spend days trying out different themes and colours and design styles – to the point that I reached my breaking point several times. It was a …
Why I Can’t Do What I Used to Do
As you may know, my life is very different from what it used to be. Sometimes, it feels like I’m remembering someone else’s life and not may own, but at other times, it’s more like my present is not reality and my past is who I really am. Of course, I know it’s all my life and that I simply …
Routines and Why I Need It
As I’ve talked about before it’s all the little things that really affect me. It’s the things that most of you out there probably barely notice. But, I notice. In fact, I can’t avoid it. I’ve meet others on the spectrum like me and they all react to different things. We all have our own unique past, a set of …