This series of posts is called Travelling with Autism. It’s another series I’ve been wanting to start for more than a year, but life just got in the way of it. Now, here it is. It’s a series about what it’s like to travel when you have autism spectrum disorder and what I do to make it easier. I’m going …
In Between Happiness and Sadness
The first time I was medicated because of my depression, I didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t want the medication and I hated the doctor for not being able to help me – giving me medication felt like giving up on me. I didn’t understand that giving me the medication was indeed helping me. Now, the first happy pills I …
Many years ago, back when I was living in Japan for the first time, I had this strange experience that I doubt I will ever forget. In time, I’ve come to learn a very important lesson from it. I only understood it much later, though, because this was a lesson that takes time to properly understand. In 2010 I moved …