Loss of Taste and Smell

When I say I lost my sense of smell and taste, it would not entirely true. I mean that it is almost entirely lost and whatever little bit is left doesn’t taste or smell like anything I can recall. I can really only taste sour things, but none of the sour things taste like sour used to. Lemons, for example, …

When Therapy Goes Wrong

How often have you gone to some specialist because you needed help, only to be reduced to a questionnaire? If all it takes to diagnose someone or decide what support is needed is to fill out a form, why aren’t we all doing it on our own? The person asking the questions really doesn’t know if we are lying or …

Forging a New Path

Life is a journey, they say. I understand why people say it, but it doesn’t make me any less irritated by those words. What makes it even worse is that I myself say it occasionally. These days I feel completely lost. I don’t have any real skills, I haven’t accomplished anything of importance (or even accomplished something of no importance …