Routines and Why I Need It

As I’ve talked about before it’s all the little things that really affect me. It’s the things that most of you out there probably barely notice. But, I notice. In fact, I can’t avoid it. I’ve meet others on the spectrum like me and they all react to different things. We all have our own unique past, a set of …

A Lifetime of Stupid

Have you ever met anyone who made you feel stupid? I bet you have. It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are, other people can always make us feel stupid one way or another. Sometimes they do it on purpose, but I suspect most of the time they don’t even realise they made us feel like that – at least not …


Today I want to talk about motivation. It’s something that most of us struggle with often, whether it be feeling motivated to do the laundry, vacuum the house, go to work or even doing something we really love to do. It’s funny, somehow, that both doing things we dislike and things we like can leave us equally disheartened and unmotivated. …