When I was younger, I would apologize all the time. It was a reflex, not because I felt I had done something wrong. It was more, I was sure someone would feel I had done something wrong and therefore I apologised because I didn’t want to offend or hurt anyone. It became a reflex or maybe a bad habit. Of …
Creativity and Pain
How some artists are able to sink deep into depression and be more creative than ever before I will never be able to understand. I am the absolute opposite. If I am sad, depressed or struggling I feel completely disconnected from all sense of creativity and I am barely able to produce the bare minimum of content. I am basically …
What Comes After Stress?
Sometimes I wonder if there will ever be a time where I won’t be stressed. It feels like it has become a natural state of being and that my body doesn’t even remember what life could be without it. I am tired, though, so very tired. I don’t think anyone can live a life like this for very long. I …