A Lifetime of Stupid

Have you ever met anyone who made you feel stupid? I bet you have. It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are, other people can always make us feel stupid one way or another. Sometimes they do it on purpose, but I suspect most of the time they don’t even realise they made us feel like that – at least not …

How Not To Be Seen

My whole life I struggled to hide in plain sight, but since my diagnosis I have struggled to be seen. It’s odd to experience how trying to hide can make you stand out and how trying to be seen can make you ignored. At least, that is how it has felt to me. About two weeks ago I started something …

My Escape

So, you might wonder, why did I start writing if it was always so hard? Simple. I thought I was just stupid, and I never knew everyone didn’t face the same challenges I did. I thought reading and writing was difficult for everyone, and I was stupid in all aspects of life, not just reading. My love of stories, and …